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Branding tells people what to expect from a product or a service. It also differentiates a product/service from competitors’ offerings. Away from products and services, a personal brand is a digital and/physical image or impression of yourself you create to the outside world. Briefly let’s examine some definitions of Personal brand.

  • personal brand is who you are, what you stand for, the values you embrace, and the way in which you express those values.
  • Your personal brand is how you promote yourself. It is the unique combination of skills, experience, and personality that you want the world to see.

Developing a personal brand makes you unique from others and instantly builds trust with clients and colleagues alike. If you are working your way up the corporate ladder, or you own your own business, developing a personal brand and a wardrobe that clearly conveys it will increase your workplace success.

Your packaging is the outward-facing communication you give to those around you, including your clothing, accessories, etc. Just like any brand, your “packaging” should be purposeful and determined. Just because you work in a loose environment does not mean that your clothing should reflect that you do not care.

Your personal brand reflects who you are, what you stand for, and what you do.
“What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language.” —Miuccia Prada

Knowing what to wear to adequately represent each occasion calls for deliberate attention. The question of the day is, how do you show up? How you show up speaks of your values and on its own is a visual resume of who and what you represent.

A personal brand can be communicated through your dress code. Here are some essential tips to help you dress the part and manage your professional reputation.

Dress and show up – You have an opportunity every day to promote your personal brand at the office. Make sure your wardrobe is helping to advance your career, not hurt it says Jenna Mantis.

Perception Is in the eye of the beholder – Perception is in the eye of the beholder, and how you choose to dress can make individuals of either gender uncomfortable. Taking a second look at yourself in the mirror can give a clue to you on the sort of message you are communicating through your appearance. Be deliberate on how you show up says Ronda Suder

Ask yourself the honest question– Ask yourself, ‘Does the current presentation of myself align with my professional goals?’ Be intentional in aligning your appearance with your personal brand and professional goals irrespective of where you are in your career journey.

The more personality you can add to your dress code, the easier it will be to communicate your personal brand through your appearance. Your appearance is your physical resume use it as a power tool.

Ensure your dress code is telling the right story!