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When you are at work, you need to be mindful of what you say because there are certain topics that are inappropriate in the workplace. However, it can be captivating to discuss recent events or your personal life at work, but you should only have work discussions at work.

It is important to note that a workplace is a public place and public rules of decorum prevail.

Below is the list of topics that are not ideal for discussion in the workplace.

  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Co-Worker, Manager, and Work Leadership Problems
  • Family problem.
  • Financial problem.
  • Health problem.
  • Your sex life.
  • Your salary.
  • Plans to quit.

POLITICS: Political preferences can cause serious friction in even the closest relationships. Discussing politics can be a mess because your views on political ideas can be diverse and a source of dispute.

RELIGION: Talking about religion could have awful consequences when handled unseemly. It is best to leave your religion out of workplace discussion. This does not mean you cannot reflect privately but do not make comments about other people’s religious objects, or if they take time to pray silently. It is not your business.

CO-WORKER, MANAGER, AND WORK LEADERSHIP PROBLEMS: If you have any problem with co-workers or the management, it is best you discuss it with your supervisor or the human resource. The only things you should discuss with coworkers are compliments and expressions of appreciation.  Discussing other colleagues can mean gossip, which is a harmful practice at work.

FAMILY PROBLEM: Make sure your coworkers are not aware of any issues you are having at home. You may have disagreements with your parents, relatives, or children from time to time. Nobody deserves to hear about the family’s petty quarrels. Discussing issues with family members may lead everyone, including your manager, to ask if these difficulties would distract you from doing your work. And if you know these problems would not have an effect on your job, they do not need to know.

FINANCIAL PROBLEM: Sharing your financial issues with coworkers who may earn the same or comparable incomes as you is a NO-NO. Discussing your financial difficulties reflects negatively on your ability, it implies that you are inept at handling money. This, in turn, shows a certain level of incompetence.

HEALTH PROBLEM: Be careful about discussing health problems, including mental health difficulties, with coworkers. There may be specific problems that you should explain if they clearly affect your job tasks or if you require emergency first aid. Even though mental or physical health difficulties are nothing to be ashamed of, do not dwell on them too much at work.

YOUR SEX LIFE: Never go into details regarding your sex life. Honestly, there is absolutely no reason for anyone to be aware of what is going on between you and your partner. This topic can cause your co-workers to feel uneasy around you.

YOUR SALARY: Speak with your manager or the human resource department if you believe you are not being fairly compensated for your work. There could be reasons for salary disparities, such as variances in duties or time spent executing a task.

PLANS TO QUIT: It is a bad idea to talk about wanting to quit your job with other co-workers. No matter how close you are with other co-workers, it is best you keep it to yourself because news travels fast and if your boss knows you are looking elsewhere, they might start looking for your replacement too.