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Let’s Get Real!

What’s the worst Sales Advice you’ve ever gotten? Mine is “Always close all deals”

Hello, sales rock stars! Remember our last article where we talked about the myth of “Closing a Deal”? https://www.autusbridge.com/sales-process-closing-a-deal-a-myth/ (If you missed it, click on the link to read) We broke it down, dissected it, and concluded that pushing for the close alone isn’t the ultimate key to sales success. Well, guess what? That discussion triggered a few sparks of inspiration, and here we are with a new article about the absolute worst sales advice ever: “Always Close All Deals.”

So, if you’re one of those who read the last article and thought, “Hey, what’s the deal with always closing deals?” – This one is for you! We’re about to dive into the world of pushy sales tactics and why “Always Close All Deals” should be tossed into the sales advice graveyard. The misconception of “Closing All Deals” has been plaguing salespeople for years so there’s need to shed some light on why building relationships and understanding customer needs should serve as your guiding principle in the realm of sales.

For instance, as a salesperson with a gleaming smile, a killer pitch, and a laser focus on one thing – closing deals. You’ve been told that ABC is the golden rule of sales, and you’re determined to live by it. But guess what? It’s time to flip the script! Sure, closing deals is important. But let’s face it, nobody likes that pushy salesperson who’s only interested in making the quick buck, it can alienate potential customers faster than you can say, “I promise you won’t regret this amazing deal!”

So, what’s the antidote to this? It’s all about building relationships and understanding customer needs!

Imagine meeting a potential customer, and instead of jumping into your sales pitch, you take a step back and ask questions. You want to know about their pain points, desires, and favorite hobbies just to build rapport. You listen more than you talk, and genuinely care about what they have to say. Crazy, right? Here’s the magic, when you genuinely care about your customers and their needs, you build trust. And trust, is the secret sauce of successful sales.

Think about it. When you trust someone, you’re more likely to buy from them. It’s as simple as that. So, instead of trying to close the deal before your coffee gets cold, take the time for building trust and rapport. For more relevant sales advice from successful selling expert, use this link https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/best-pieces-of-sales-advice-from-selling-experts

Now, you might be wondering, “But what about targets? Don’t I need to close deals to meet those?” Absolutely, you do. But guess what? When the focus is on building relationships and understanding customer needs, the closing part becomes a natural progression. It’s not a high-pressure sales tactic; it’s a collaborative effort where the customer feels like they’re making the decision, not being coerced into it.

In conclusion, as sales warriors, let’s embrace a more humane, effective approach. Building relationships and understanding customer needs should be your guiding principles in the sales game. Trust me; it is a lot more effective and rewarding.

So, build relationships, ask those questions, and remember – it’s not about closing deals at all costs; it’s about creating happy, loyal customers who will keep coming back for more. Happy selling!